free gifts

The God that I have come to know, and long to know more, is one of extravagant love and grace.  In my recent move to California, I have found myself in a place of tremendous vulnerability.  With this, I am learning to accept the love & grace extended to me in new and profound ways.  I’d like to share some of what I’m experiencing with you.

As I sat on the patio overlooking the mountains in California on the evening of my 27th birthday, enjoying another magnificent sunset, I found myself increasingly overwhelmed, in a good way, due to the love extended to me by many, many people both near and far.

The home I am temporarily residing in as I transition to Redding is filled with a family that is showering me with hospitality and comforts I don’t typically afford myself (like air conditioning, regular meals, cable, and showers… just kidding. I let myself shower occasionally).  Not only are they providing me with a place to rest my head, but they are also inviting me into their family.  I have a place at the table, both literally and figuratively – through sharing family dinners and taking a full day to celebrate my birthday with activities and food I love.  All this without asking for a penny from me.  A gift, free for the taking.

I have also received numerous phone calls, emails, texts and messages checking in, sharing life updates, pieces of advice, birthday wishes, or encouraging words.  Displaying love to me across the miles & reminding me that God’s community spans across the miles.  They are teaching me that the distance can be crossed with intentionality and care.  And that even when I’m not physically present, I still matter. Another gift, free for the taking.

Additionally, approximately 2 months ago I hurt my family deeply by changing my original plans to move closer to them to follow what I believe is my next calling in life.  A calling that moves me further from them than I was in Pennsylvania.  Yet, in the midst of their hurt and sadness… and despite their longing to unpack my trailer and car and hold me hostage in Wisconsin, they selflessly took time to either drive with me across the expansive country crossing over 2,500 miles or took time out of their already busy schedules to hike or grab ice cream with me before I parted ways.  Their willingness to set aside their own desires, trust my decision to move, and support me, has been the ultimate gift of grace.  They have displayed a depth of love and encouragement through their actions.  Another gift, yet again, free for the taking.

Each person I’ve encountered in this transition has loved me with an undeserving depth and I am undeniably grateful… and incredibly overwhelmed.

It is through these physical acts of care, love, compassion and encouragement, that I have experienced – very tangibly – the love God has for us.  Just as I am undeserving of their love, I am undeserving of God’s love.  This love of God that I talk of is lavish and extravagant.  It is powerful, everlasting, and undeserving. And He pours it out on us in hundreds of moments each day, just as He poured it on us when He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to live and die for us.  This was the ultimate act of love, yet that wasn’t the end.  It didn’t stop there.  He continues to shower us with His love – through people, opportunities, experiences, challenges, and multitudes of other ways.  His love is a grace-filled love.  And all we have to do is set aside our pride, remove our cloak of perfection, and vulnerably… humbly… accept his love.  This free gift.

A view from my new home.

A view from my new home.

About Christy Coulter

My roots were originally grown in Wisconsin. I’m a Midwestern gal, through and through. But for a good portion of my twenties, nearly 6 of those years, I swung like a pendulum across the country. For 5-years, I called a fantastic community in a small town in Western Pennsylvania my home. The community I experienced in Pennsylvania forever changed my understanding of sharing life with non-family. I learned how to lean into and find support from those with whom I shared my daily life. It was a life-changing and life-enriching experience. I then took a short gig in Northern California for under a year – a gorgeous part of this vast country. Promise me you’ll visit if you ever get the chance. The west coast taught me about God’s provision and grace in ways that couldn’t be experienced without living an obedient life to my Heavenly Father. Now… I’m back in the beautiful Twin Cities. Soaking up time with my family and friends, enjoying the sights and sounds of Midwestern living, and loving every minute of it. You might see me exploring the Twin Cities, lost in a book in one of the many cafes located within this unique city. As most know, I am always up for a conversation with a friend, acquaintance, or any random person who seeks a listener… each conversation changes my life, teaching me the skill of seeing life through another person’s eyes. It is really quite rewarding. All this said, I created this blog to give myself a space to reflect on the experiences life has brought my way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
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